First off, I'd like to thank 000webhost for their helpful support, loving customer service, constant shameless self-promotion, all that wonderful stuff.
Think of this as the next step up in the Life of Fail. We moved from forumify to 000webhost, allowing us greater controls over the forum. This new relocation from 000webhost to an ancient computer gives us more control over... well, nothing that affects the forum, really, but it's easier for me to add updates and crap wherever I am.
Which brings me to my next point of discussion. The forumify forums. Some of you have noticed that the ee forums have been resurrected at by Atilla and Meredith against the wishes of Cyclone. Using the same tactics as they did, I've obtained a copy of the posts from These posts are currently hosted at (tewin, not tiwen), but these two currently separate forums will be combined. Users, forums, posts, categories, everything. All one huge Forum of Fail. This will probably happen later this week. Maybe tomorrow, since I have a day off. The Forum of Fail will be running FluxBB, not PunBB, unless there are objections to this.
Any questions?
Jet fuel can't make dank memes.