Okay so you know when you install every piece of software ever it asks you where you want to put it, right?
And you know how it defaults to C:\Program Files\Program\ right?
Well I was install Elsword earlier.
And it asked me where I wanted to put it.
I split up my hard drive into about 10 or 11 partitions when I was getting everything set up. 1 small one for windows, 1 very large one for sharing files between linux and windows, 1 for each linux distro (about 4 in total), 1 partition for sharing each user's files between linux distros, and 1 partition for just sharing files between linux distros.
But my Windows partition is super small to make room for everything else.
So I told it to put it in F:\Elsword\ instead, which is the shared partition between linuxes and windowses.
I'd never even thought of putting my programs somewhere else.
I blew my own mind.
Jet fuel can't make dank memes.