So i'm doing my profile on a site i'm on, and I use html to display images, but it turns out like this.
So would anyone be willing to tell me what's wrong with the code to make it so the little image thing next to some of them doesn't show up?
<img src="" alt="collectable_flamingapple.png" /><img src="" alt="collectable_scrolloftransporation.gif" /><img src="" alt="magic_icecreamsundaepotion.png" /><img src="" alt="magic_bottledmoonlight.gif" /><img src="url" alt="url" /><img src="" alt="magic_bottledcosmos.png" /><img src="url" alt="url" /><img src="url" alt="url" /><img src="" alt="magic_quilstone.gif" /><img src="" alt="magic_derpbreedingcoin.png" />
Last edited by Silverheart (2011-09-20 20:31:24)