Name: LOLkitten
Type: Normal
Strengths: speed
Weaknesses: sp. defense
Description: The tiny cat pokemon. it enjoys making others laugh
Evolutions: evolves into LOLcat at level 22
Special Ability: Cute Charm
Moves: cut-HM/DoubleSlap-level 10/growl-level 1/Scratch-level 1
Name: LOLcat
Type: normal
Strengths: speed
Weaknesses: SPDEF
Description: the cat pokemon. it will keep others entertained by it's cuteness
Evolutions: evolves from LOLkitten at level 22
Special Ability: Cute charm, oblivious,
Moves: Body slam- at level 45/cut-HM/DoubleSlap-level 1/Growl-level 1/Scratch-level 1/Slash-level 23/
moves aren't finished, but I don't feel like doing more right now.