<Starvr344> test
* Dog_the_Dog ([email protected]) has left ("later")
<Starvr344> Yeah hexchat is better imo
<someman> who is that mysterious cat
<Starvr344> ?
<Starvr344> You talking about Dog_the_Dog?
<someman> yeah
<Starvr344> Sort of an inside joke.
<Starvr344> http://s4.postimg.org/jbvb0uhz1/ttr_scr … _43467.jpg
<someman> what did i just look at?
<Starvr344> Toontown Rewritten.
<Starvr344> Dog the Dog was jsut standing there so I took a screencap of him.
<Starvr344> Dunno why.
<Starvr344> I'm Sir Banjo by the way.
<Starvr344> Hello?
<someman> hello!
<Starvr344> HeeeeeEEEEEeeeeelllllooooooooo Johny!
<Starvr344> Or Johnny!
<Starvr344> Or Jonny!
<Starvr344> Whatever.
<someman> has anyone seen this thread yet? http://eeforumify.com/viewtopic.php?id=30639
<someman> it's what inspired ee rebellion
<Starvr344> lol theis game is nothing like Creatures game.
<Starvr344> In the rules
<someman> who knows, perhaps the trophy of fail has magically sapped creature's sense of humor...
<Starvr344> MAGIC
<someman> MIND BLOWN http://www.picgifs.com/reaction-gifs/re … 774951.gif
<Starvr344> By what?
<someman> BY THE MAGIC
<Starvr344> sparklesparklesparklesparklesparkle
<Ratburntro44> back
<Starvr344> Hi.
* Coolio ([email protected]) has joined
<Starvr344> Heeeeeeey.
<Ratburntro44> hello
<Starvr344> My cat just looked at me and licked his lips.
<Starvr344> I am dead serious.
<Ratburntro44> mmm
<Starvr344> I licked my lips back at him.
<Starvr344> And we were in a lip standoff.
<Starvr344> Then I got bored.
<Starvr344> My cat is kind of weird.
<someman> did the nametag say "garfield"? that might be the problem
<Starvr344> No.
<Starvr344> brb
<Starvr344> Ok back
<Starvr344> Stupid account server on a game is down.
<Ratburntro44> lol
<Starvr344> hooplakidz is evil
<Ratburntro44> that's nice
<Starvr344> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nKBKPcycFE
<someman> sounds like a lot of
<someman> HOOPLA
<Starvr344> sounds like a lot of-
<someman> HOOPLA
<someman> HOOPLA
<Starvr344> *crack*
* someman was bricked
<Starvr344> Sounds like a lot of hoopla.
<someman> ...over making a krabby patty, right?
<someman> ha ha ha!
<someman> WRONG
<Starvr344> WRONG
<Starvr344> I like to call it the Krusty Krap.
<someman> since season 8 right?
<Starvr344> Since season 4
<someman> since season 2
<Starvr344> It went downhill after season four when the main story board writer left after the movie thinking retard should end.
<Starvr344> No, you can't make a Krabby Patty without understanding the phrase POOP.
<someman> People Order Our Poop
<someman> wait
<someman> wait a second
<someman> i think its
<someman> People Order Our Peanuts
<someman> no
<someman> Patties Order Our People
<Starvr344> Poopyheads Order Our drink
<someman> in bikini bottom, you order patties
<someman> in soviet, russia, patties order YOU!
<Starvr344> If you remember POOPYou'll know what Poopyheads want to order
<Starvr344> Here comes a Poopyhead
<Starvr344> Yeah, I'd like a-
<Starvr344> What does this customer want?
<Starvr344> drink?
<someman> -an expensive haircut please
<Starvr344> A **** ** ********* ***
<Starvr344> Good!
<Starvr344> Wanna see how bad retard was after season four?
<Starvr344> http://retard.wikia.com/wiki/Face_Freeze!_(gallery)
/*note:replace retard with spo.nge.bob*/
<someman> exactly
<someman> and remember inspongeiac?
<someman> let's not talk about that
<someman> ...and now you, the humble employee off the street
<someman> the all-too- necessary human resource that keeps this business afloat
<someman> will learn the sacred and dark secrets of how to prepare, with your very own hands
<someman> ARE YOU READY?
<Starvr344> http://tinyurl.com/pycu5yx Season 6. I dare you.
<Starvr344> Click it.
<someman> still better then that scene where squidward moves the couch and it smashes his foot
<someman> btw, google vs. bing, guess who wins
<someman> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=that+scene+where+s … s+his+foot
<Starvr344> Duckduckgo
<someman> http://letmebingthatforyou.com/?q=that% … his%20foot
<Starvr344> google
<Starvr344> google wins
<someman> ...and duckduckgo too, apparently https://lmddgtfy.net/?q=that%20scene%20 … his%20foot
<Starvr344> Man I was going to make that
<Starvr344> Nope
<Starvr344> Same as bing
<someman> it's like bing BUT WITH DUCKS!
<Starvr344> However ddg doesn
<Starvr344> t have every good imae search
<Starvr344> you can use bangs
<Starvr344> by typing !g in your search you can search google
<Starvr344> and !tvtropes and !bing and !yahoo and !yandex and !wikipedia
<Starvr344> and so on
<someman> it's basically like saying "here are some searches that are better then us, but please still do keep using us for searching everything"
<Starvr344> Hey, if I can search tvtropes without going to tvtropes, I'm fine with that
<Starvr344> it also doesn't track you
<Starvr344> so
<Starvr344> added bonus
<someman> otherwise
<someman> bing
<someman> but with ducks
<Starvr344> It has a terrible image search so I never use it
<Starvr344> the image search
<Starvr344> I just use !gi
<someman> i love how if google wins in bing it on it's like
<someman> "sure, google might have been better for you but bing is actually better for you not google love us plz"
<Starvr344> Also typing !gi is better than guessing where the image search is and pressing shopping instead.
<Ratburntro44> bing is the glorious greatest search engine
<someman> again though
<someman> http://letmebingthatforyou.com/?q=that% … his%20foot
<someman> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=that+scene+where+s … s+his+foot
<Ratburntro44> bing is the voldo of search engines
<someman> are you insulting volvo or praising bing?
<someman> i can't tell
<Ratburntro44> who said anything about volvo?
<someman> i was assuming voldo was a typo
<someman> oh no i killed the IRC didn't i
<Starvr344> ?
<Starvr344> I don't know
<Starvr344> What do you think of happy hot dog man
<someman> he's a big wiener
<Starvr344> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUTPCEA-al0
<someman> and he's happy about it
<someman> plus at 0:13 the kids are using some kind of method of torture on him http://youtu.be/CUTPCEA-al0?t=13s
<someman> and he's happy about it
<someman> he's so creepy
<Ratburntro44> voldo is amazing
<Starvr344> I like how in the grey scenes the kids are all "UUUUUHHG hot dogs AGAIN? what do I even DOOOOO witht them?
<Starvr344> Just put your hot dog into the happy hot dog man. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<Ratburntro44> oh god
<someman> WHAT DO HOTDOGS DOES? am i suposed to trow it away or someting
<someman> also, why
<someman> out of all concepts
<someman> did they need to make a "hot dog man"
<someman> and market it
<someman> at least they turned off comments
<someman> plus he has a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HappyHotDogMan and on his profile image it looks like he's eating something
<Starvr344> http://i.imgur.com/DrfUh.jpg
<Ratburntro44> voldo also has a facebook page
<Ratburntro44> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Voldo/36390568654
<someman> animated jpg?
<someman> mind blown
<someman> i love how on the left the girl is poking the hot dog like it's some kind of angry dog
<Starvr344> My Happy Hot Dog Man is ready.
<someman> RAISE YOUR HAPPY HOT DOG MEN ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
<Starvr344> Happy Hot Dog Man goes where?
<someman> i'm gonna eat your happy hot dog, man
<someman> btw http://i.imgur.com/3IMhTPv.png
<Starvr344> Put them in your Happy Hot Dog Man to make a happy imprint on your hot dog!
<someman> aka penis tattoos
<Starvr344> Have you ever seen Mr.Bill
<Starvr344> I have a model of him on my desk.
<Starvr344> From Saturday Night Live
<Starvr344> http://www.mrbill.com/MrBill.jpg
<Starvr344> He dies every episode
<Starvr344> like, five times
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/error/ Error generator
<Starvr344> Found it in my bookmarks
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/error/?icon=Att … nore&b3g=x
<someman> drag to a new tab, don't just click it.
<Starvr344> I clicked it and it was fine
<someman> oh
<someman> or me it asks you not to hotlink
<someman> *for
<Starvr344> Weird
<Starvr344> I'm sure its fine if you say what site it's from
/*note:hotlinks really dont work I guess, but I fixed them*/
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/error/98.png.ph … 1=&b2=&b3=
<someman> this feels like some kind of http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/M … nversation
<someman> like in tomodachi life
<Starvr344> I like salt.
<someman> salt? hmm, why?
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/bar-b-q/?l1=tew … ol&l4=%3A3
<Starvr344> some site
<Starvr344> same site
<Starvr344> they have it all listed on the domain
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/wof/?l1=tew_n.m … on+Anyways
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/construction/?l … 4=fartbutt
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/vegas/?p=2&l1=S … the+galaxy
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/chinese/?n=some … +is+ur+mom
<Starvr344> its someman chinese restaunt
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/highway/?l1=if+ … a+criminal
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/streetparty/?l1 … tonight%21
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/pack/?l1=Come+o … y+tortured
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/office/?l1=watc … n+thru+sat
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/bar-b-q/?l1=we+ … =starvr344
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/construction/?l … &l4=cement
* Fradeshan ([email protected]) has joined
<Starvr344> Hi.
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/pack/?l1=Frades … n&l4=alive
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/streetparty/?l1 … mother&l4=
<Fradeshan> heyo
<Fradeshan> i am amaze
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/gas-station/?p1 … ildhood%21
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/error/?title=St … tore&b3g=x
<Starvr344> Ok lets stop
<Starvr344> Btw those stories are really juicy
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/error/?style=xp … WWW%21&b3=
<Starvr344> Yum
<Fradeshan> >close window
<someman> and now you, the humble employee off the street
<someman> the all-too- necessary human resource that keeps this business afloat
<someman> will learn the sacred and dark secrets of how to prepare, with your very own hands
<Starvr344> IM READY
<someman> ARE YOU READY?
* someman has quit (Quit: Page closed)
<Starvr344> DOW
<Starvr344> DOW DOW DOW
<Starvr344> DOW DOW DOW
* someman ([email protected]) has joined
<Starvr344> DOW
<someman> the secret formula is grass and poop
<Starvr344> DOW DOW DOW
<Starvr344> DOW DOW DOW
<Starvr344> no its ground plankton
<someman> i can't tell which tastes bette
<someman> *better
<someman> anyways, i just got myself a free ban from the retard wiki
<Starvr344> cuz
<someman> i was ranting about retard on the chatroom
<someman> and then one of the mods was like NOWAILOLJKJKJK did you just say the s word???
<someman> i did
<someman> and that seemed to be the only thing he cared about
<someman> and then i sweared like eight more times
<someman> and then he banned me
<Starvr344> ok
<someman> have you ever got yourself purposely banned from something you really hate?
<Starvr344> no
<someman> which custom mario tile that i made do you like better? left or right? http://i.imgur.com/inJPHR7.png
<Starvr344> its a toss up
* Coolio ([email protected]) has left
<someman> so does "LEFT" fail mean left?
<someman> guess so
<Fradeshan> made new topic someman
<Fradeshan> for the mafia thing
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/highway/?l1=lol … 2=&l3=&l4=
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/wof/?l1=H_ppy&l … +wiener%21
<someman> an ee updating joke
<someman> http://atom.smasher.org/wof/?l1=&l2=M_s … r+vacation
<Starvr344> Mister shot?
<Starvr344> Master Shot?
<Starvr344> Master Shoe?
<Fradeshan> master show
* someman has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<Starvr344> Mmmmmmm... Honey rosted peanuts.
<Starvr344> *cough*
<Fradeshan> :K
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/wof/?l1=f_ail&l … =Dead+Chat
<Starvr344> http://atom.smasher.org/chinese/?n=fail … he+IRC&l4=
<Fradeshan> wow
<Starvr344> much doge
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> Hey
<Starvr344> knock knock
<Starvr344> knock knock
<Fradeshan> sup
<Starvr344> knock knock
<Fradeshan> who is there
<Starvr344> madame
<Fradeshan> madame who
<Starvr344> madame foot's caught in the door
<Fradeshan> all i can say to that is
<Fradeshan> dame
<Starvr344> god dame it
<Fradeshan> beep
<Starvr344> beeeeep
<Fradeshan> bep
<Starvr344> fart
<Fradeshan> faaaaaart
<Starvr344> hhhhhnnnnnnnnnghagf
<Fradeshan> h i
<Starvr344> heeeey
<Fradeshan> feo
<Fradeshan> oef
<Starvr344> fra
<Fradeshan> arf
<Starvr344> art
<Fradeshan> tra
<Fradeshan> de
<Fradeshan> ed
<Starvr344> fat
<Starvr344> fed
<Fradeshan> taf def
<Fradeshan> fy ine
<Starvr344> frd shn
<Fradeshan> ade
<Fradeshan> huh
<Fradeshan> aea
<Fradeshan> aeaea
<Starvr344> huf
<Fradeshan> fuh
<Starvr344> uff
<Fradeshan> un
<Starvr344> fun
<Fradeshan> NUF
<Starvr344> NIF
<Fradeshan> FIN
<Starvr344> FINA
<Fradeshan> FINAL
<Starvr344> FINAL C
<Fradeshan> C LANIF
<Fradeshan> ((ruin'd
<Starvr344> C MANIF
<Fradeshan> FINAMC
<Starvr344> YINAMC
<Fradeshan> yanghbo
<Starvr344> yanghyo
<Fradeshan> dududud
<Starvr344> dood
<Fradeshan> yes
<Starvr344> dood
<Fradeshan> yes starver
<Starvr344> doooooooooood
<Fradeshan> star
<Fradeshan> virtual
<Fradeshan> machine
<Starvr344> ?
<Fradeshan> star v r
<Fradeshan> doooooooooood
<Starvr344> wat
<Starvr344> waaat
<Starvr344> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
<Fradeshan> dod
<Fradeshan> wat
<Starvr344> wat
<Starvr344> doood
<Starvr344> dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
<Fradeshan> DOD
<Starvr344> dodododoododoododdoodoodsoddodpsfopif09rds
<Fradeshan> ih
<Starvr344> iiih
<Fradeshan> yeh
<Starvr344> woop
<Starvr344> http://dudeknowsbest.com/wp-content/upl … adbent.jpg
* someman ([email protected]) has joined
<someman> so i was having problems with my pc and mom suggested i deleted hexchat
<someman> she deleted it herself anyways
<Starvr344> Weird
<Fradeshan> delete != uninstall
<Fradeshan> keepo
<Starvr344> I've had it forever.
<Starvr344> And it's open-source,
<Starvr344> Oh well.
<someman> not like hexchat has that many important features
<Starvr344> Eh
<Starvr344> I like it
<someman> the only really helpful thing in there is custom commands, but then again
<someman> /me exists on pc too
<someman> *webchat
<Starvr344> The chat is filled with pointless babbling
<someman> you mean this chat?
<Starvr344> Yeah.
<Starvr344> Me and Fradeshan
<Starvr344> Well, I'll post it in the post your copy paste spam thread
<someman> don't forget the atomsmasher flame war
<someman> and the krusty krab training video
Last edited by Starvr344 (2014-07-27 19:59:01)

Big sunglasses are cool
Banana Pancakes