UberKitchens - posted the famous chuffing post. advertises kitchens. - link
david778866 - posted in a guitar hero topic with some spam related to guitar hero. advertises test chambers. - link
=sandwich= - posted in a spider topic about how spiders look like prunes. advertises prunes. - link
Shonna - posted a topic asking what the difference between ipad and ipad 2s are. advertises ipad cases, stands, and styluses - link
nationalfestic - posted a topic saying there is a chance you can carry a baby in your hand. advertises baby carriers - link
mifya - posted in a topic about how someone couldnt get on the forums, posted about fat kids. advertises ergo baby carriers - link
Mah Mom!!! - posted in the referral contest thread. advertises... i dont even know. - link
mifyvv - posted in a fail giveaway thread, posted about backpacks. advertises galaxy grey backpacks, but has the same signature as mifya. - link
BlottageBew - posted topic about pro ladys. advertises russian workout thingys i think. - link
favirubbivorp - posted topic about how hard web business is. advertises something in russian - link