identical - 12
Coolio - 11
Bobithan - 12
Muffin - 13
scienceguyz - 10
colon - 13
Ratburntro44 - 11
rob1nfly - 10
Silverheart - 10
Patchee - 10
Ice Flower - 13
N1KF - 6
32OrtonEdge32dh - 8
Artemis - 10
ultrasuperdude - 10
Slawthe - 11
furqi - 6
Maikel - 4
Wolf Exile - 10
Thepuzzleguy - 9
Jojomanjo - 9
Starvr344 - 9
Creature - 10
System - 7
Weegee - 9
onjit onjit - 12
manofperson - 10
kingpooultra - 9
crastopher - 3
You kind of forgot to change the values.