14:31 Started talking in deviant on Sunday 14/09/2014 14:31:58
Started talking in deviant on Sunday 14/09/2014 14:31:58
Room topic is: http://frogbox.es/deviant/ Logs, webclient, cheerful messages, etc
14:32 Bimps so where's all the **** furry inappropriate content
-> Starvr344 has joined deviant
Bimps so where's all the **** furry inappropriate content
14:33 Bimps ping Cayden Hopeless uDH Fellow PeZ Renzoa Score_Under Transient_Guest ute
ute **** eh
Bimps eh
Fellow offers a rude gesture and returns to ogling engines.
Bimps ouch the memes
uDH pong
Bimps what the **** is ogling
Fellow btw if you're ever thinking of buying an audi
Fellow don't
ute we try not to look at **** stuffs
Bimps what is audi
Bimps im confused
14:34 ute its an car
ute fellow: bad handling?
Hopeless >we don't look at **** stuff
Hopeless >ute
Bimps what the **** why are you talking about a car this is a deviant art thing
Hopeless u wot m8
Fellow nah, great handling, acceleration, ride
Fellow female dog and a half to fix
Bimps what
ute woah woah
Fellow actually no
ute what channel am i on
Fellow audis are three female dog to fix
Transient_Guest I heard that is common with european cars
14:35 Bimps cmon where's all the **** pony inappropriate content art
ute bimps: on the internet
Fellow with French and Italian cars it's because of poor build quality
ute and /b/
Bimps i mean the ones you guys made
Fellow with Audis it's because they build the **** in the most convoluted way possible
ute rofl. there are no furry artists here
Bimps le rofl
<- Starvr344 has left deviant ("Leaving")
Bimps le xDDDDDDDDDD memes
14:36 Bimps so what art do you guys make
ute le 9fag
Hopeless I make people cry
Hopeless Cayden makes Dad jokes
Hopeless Uhh
Bimps yeah idgaf
Bimps show me hte art
Hopeless Elzi puts dicks on things
Bimps the art man the art
14:37 Hopeless Etch draws, Renzoa carves
Hopeless Levi does this
Hopeless !sexy
Leviathan Ooohh. ♥ It's knocking on the door to my baby factory!
Hopeless !sexy
Leviathan Fine young Hopeless pussy juices are worth their weight in gold after all!
Bimps i dont care just show me the art
Bimps what hte ****
Cayden So, Bimps, where'd you get the info for this room? I'm curious.
Bimps what even
Hopeless Yeah, you have the internet
Hopeless So
ute i dont link **** stuff
Bimps i got it form /list
Bimps *from
ute dont listen to him
Bimps bu tute, i dont care
Bimps *but ute
Cayden And what made you think we do art stuff?
Bimps deiant art
14:38 ute oh good then
Bimps deviant art
Hopeless No, it's /d/eviant
ute oh riiiight
Cayden This is not a deviantart channel
Bimps stop being nerds
Cayden No.
Bimps am i banned yet
Hopeless ^
Hopeless No, would you care to be?
Bimps well when is my ban
Bimps ye thank for ban
-> Starvr344 has joined deviant
Bimps hi
ute this is a channel devoted to /d/
Hopeless sets mode +b *!Bimps1002@es-5c0esk.mi.comcast.net
Hopeless has kicked you from the chat room (Reason: Kick!)
14:38 Started talking in deviant on Sunday 14/09/2014 14:38:52
#deviant Cannot join channel (You're banned)
edit: uncensored pastebin
Last edited by Bimps1002 (2014-09-14 13:43:42)