I didn't celebricate chytmas this year..D: In case you were wondermicating, its mainly cause Im not in the usa and in an area in which no one celebricates such said shizmas, but actually everyone was bounding up and down on the beach and yelling MERRY MERRY NEW YEAR! MERRY MERRY NEW YEAR TO YOU! and every jump on the washing waves signified a new wish for the new year! ::3 7 in all, and on the last one you made your actual wishes because everything before was quite unecessary. FYI, the number 7 has no significance in any way whatsoever other than the fact that it is the 'espiritu' of the god BibianoBibiano. Inb4 LOLSTUPID BIMPS2001 comes in and says something negative about what making do in relation to no one cares. :dp~ (Or maybe not? In case that never was going to happen, OR due to the fact that I said this has diminished the chances of Bimps2001 posting in this topic by ~76%, I say 'Oh dear, no offense intended' as a precausive move through time in order to diminish other chances of bad company.)
Last edited by 42 (2015-01-01 10:39:53)